

The Tachyon Counseling Center in Waynesboro, Virginia is helping people find new options to deal with medical challenges.

Since opening our doors in spring 2015, people have traveled nationally and internationally to experience this new technology first-hand.

They are reporting help with pain, increased energy, and positive results with persistent physical problems.

We’re dedicated to bringing this new modality to the public. There is often relief and joy on the client’s face. This is the first center of its kind in the United States, and one of the first in the world.

When navigating life’s daily challenges, it is important to be in a positive state of mind. The tachyon chamber can help to achieve this, balancing mind, body, and emotions.

Separate sessions for the chamber need to be scheduled. At least three to five initial sessions are recommended.  To make it easier for those traveling, sessions can be scheduled daily, including weekends.

Now offering light mandala laser sessions.

This state-of-the-art crystal light wand uses fractal and sacred geometric patterns. These light “mandalas” can be pointed at parts of the body to infuse it with energy. Every ailment has a corresponding light setting that can stimulate at a high vibration.  This new modality was added in October of 2016 and the cost is $40 per session. Sessions with the laser can be performed concurrently with tachyon chamber sessions for an even finer tuning of the physical and etheric body.

Visit Light-Mandalas.com for more information on this technology.

Click here  to learn more about Joseph McNamara, your Tachyon Counselor.

*Disclaimer: The Tachyon Chamber technology has not been evaluated by the FDA. This service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


195 thoughts on “Welcome!

    • I recommend an initial series of three to five sessions, lasting twenty minutes each. Over time more can be scheduled and for longer periods.

      The cost is $3 per minute.

      Dr. Joe

      Liked by 2 people

      • Hello, Ann.

        The cost is $3 per minute and so, since I recommend twenty minutes per session, this would total $300 for five. The sessions can be scheduled daily, even including weekends.

        I have no special deals as yet with local hotels, etc., but since I am beside an interstate highway there are many available for evaluation on-line. Also there are nice B&B’s both here and in Charlottesville which has an airport with many connections.

        Dr. Joe

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hello
        Are there any places on the West Coast where one can go ?
        Also I have a son who lives in Germany with Autism … Can you recommend anyone / anyplace in Germany ?
        Thank You


      • Dear Robbin,

        As yet, there are no chambers available on the West Coast. There will be one in Oregon next month, however! Check on http://www.tachyonis.org for the latest news.

        There is no chamber available to the public in Europe, to my knowledge. But Germany has many fine clinics that have advanced healing technologies. That area has always been a center of great intellect and spirituality!

        Dr. Joe

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hello Dr Joe
        I recently had surgery and would like to have intensive treatment eg monday 11 to friday 15 March. I am flying back from switzerland tomorrow to miami. We had phone contat zwo months ago. I will try to call later today. Looking fortward meeting you and get to know you in person. Blessings Josette


      • Dear Josette,

        You can call today. If I don’t pick up immediately, I will when I am able. I look forward to meeting you!

        Dr. Joe


    • Hello my name is Algoya, I live in Quebec, Canada and there are a few of us who would like to receive treatments in the Tachyon rooms, are the remote treatments as valid as on site because in the United States it would be a little more complicated but not impossible.
      Thank you Algoya


      • Thank you, Algoya, for your question.

        The chamber does not work remotely. One must be on-site in the chamber to experience the benefits. I have had visitors from Canada and it is usually much warmer here at this time of year!

        Blessings always,
        Dr. Joe


  1. Tachyon chambers are very powerful. I experienced healing session in one of them last august and it was a big shift for me. I’ve felt much more connected and inspired since. The effects feel permanent as i still feel them 9 months later. I still feel like trying to do more, as tachyons are basically particles carrying full spectrum of spiritual light, they can take us however far we are ready to go, which also means the more we work on ourselves, the more we stop putting things under the carpet and are dedicated to our inner work, the more effects we will have. I started my blog about 3 weeks after my tachyon chamber sessions : http://recreatingbalance1.blogspot.com

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you for your comment, Untwine. I too share your experience and thank you for your blog which I visit every day and re-read.

      The blessings of the chamber are quite wonderful and continue to amaze me.

      With continued gratitude,
      Dr. Joe

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I just experienced the Tachyon Healing Chamber. It was an amazing experience. As if the tachyons were alive, they felt for and found all kinds of damaged areas in my physical and etheric bodies. The foot pain which had plagued me for a year is gone completely after two sessions. And I felt changes in my relationships and subconscious thinking patterns that were an instantaneous shift. So instead of the idea that you have to change you thoughts to change what is happening in your body (something I know but which is very difficult and can take years, especially when speaking of thought patterns we’re not actually aware of), the tachyons just go to where this damage exists in your energy body and heal it! What a great gift to humanity! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Dear Dr Joe, Are you willing to assist animals too? I have a small dog with constant cough and congestion. Heard great things about the counseling. Harmony, Suzette


    • Dear Suzette,

      Firstly, since I am not a veterinarian, I cannot claim any therapeutic benefit from the chamber. But it makes sense to me that if humans can experience positive effects, then why not animals? I am willing to try if you are. Obviously your dog would need to be able to remain in the chamber for the twenty minutes needed and you could remain close by for reassurance.

      Dr. Joe

      Liked by 1 person

      • When my old dog started to have problems with walking I’ve put a Tachyon glass bead in his collar (March 2015) and since then he’s much fitter. It’s January 2016 now and he’s still “up and running”.


      • Yes, Veronica, it is possible to help our other-species friends! One client brought her dog and she is reportedly much improved. Immune and painful conditions once again show apparent response.

        Health to us all on this beautiful planet,
        Dr. Joe


    • Dear Ms. Cross,

      The chamber is in the shape of a pyramid, the dimensions of which are 36.5 inches in base width by 26 inches in height, above a bed. You would be required to lie on the bed but, if you have assistance, that would be doable. There is a ramp inside the office so it is safely accessible.

      Let me know if you have any other concerns.

      Dr. Joe


      • Could you send me a photo of what this might look like? Would my hips need to be inside the 36″ base? I’m not real clear on what you mean.


      • Hi Dr Joe,

        Cobra had said the chamber
        is 2 x 2 m and I asked if that equated to 6 ‘ x 6’ and he said ‘yes’. So the description you give is much different. Can you post a photo?


      • Hi Marilyn,

        The chamber is 2X2m at its widest dimensions. The client, however, lies on a bed which is inside a pyramid, which has the dimensions as I have noted, above the bed. I cannot post, as instructed by Cobra, a photo but would be happy to answer any questions in a descriptive way.

        Dr. Joe


      • Lieber Dr. Joe, ich bin dankbar wenn ich englisch könnte, würde gerne es einmal erleben. Danke das es sie gibt. In Liebe Waltraud aus Wien Österreich


      • Danke, Waltraud.

        I am not fluent in German but I get the gist of what you are saying. Much light has come from Vienna down through the centuries.

        Victory of the Light,
        Dr. Joe


      • Translation of Waltraud in Vienna:

        My Dear Dr. Joe,
        I would be grateful if I knew English, I would like to experience it one time.
        I am grateful that it exists.
        In Love, Waltraud from Vienna, Austria


  4. I would be incredibly interested, but it would be a hassle to make 3-5 sessions…do you think that 2 sessions of say, 30 minutes would suffice?

    Thanks, I am really excited,


    • Hi, Justin!

      It is recommended to start with twenty minutes, but I have allowed some who travelled from distance to have two sessions daily at either end of the day. My belief is that it is better to experience tachyons than not! After the initial series, extending beyond twenty minutes is possible.

      I am flexible in each individual case.

      Dr. Joe


  5. Ola, Qual a possibilidade de uma clínica como essa ser aberta no brasil ??
    Muita gente no brasil gostaria de fazer esse tratamento. obrigado


    • Ola, Joelson!

      I do not speak Portuguese but I believe I understand you. There is only one publicly available chamber at present but that should change as more people decide they are necessary in order to help the transition to, and after, The Event. Also, there should be funding available soon to help with such projects all around the world….including Brazil!

      Dr. Joe


  6. Hello! I’ve read your blog and i have a question for you. So, my dream is to meet aliens for 3 years ago. How can i contact with aliens? This is my aim and you’re the only one who can help me. My aim is friendly. I am very interested in their culture or just in them. In their race. Sorry for the bad grammar, i am not English. Thank you if you help me! 🙂 Have a nice day!


    • See Projetoportal.org.br
      It is a web site, Brazilian, where they have made contact.
      Some members will be coming to Minnesota in Sept. to do a weekend seminar


    • Hi Lily,
      I hope you can understand what I’m about to tell you but, I just came across this today and felt compelled to answer your question as I have had Star Family Contact for the last five years, but I have always known that they were out there.

      My advice is to just talk to them out loud when your alone, if you live alone great, if you don’t, then do it when your home alone. Express to them how much you would like to meet them and invite them to come and meet you or fly overhead. But, remember before you start talking to them you need to insist on meeting those who are of the highest good (Christ Consciousness).

      For example, whenever you want to speak to them clear your space of all dark and negative energies, I always prepare this way, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command and demand that all dark and negative energies and all those energies that assist them, both on and off planet must leave my space now and never return for you are never allowed in my home (whatever you do, when talking to these type of negative energies NEVER use the word NOT! Because the word NOT is a blank word and they will never acknowledge it. For instance, if you say to them “I do NOT want you here” they hear this “I do want you here”, so remove NOT from your vocabulary) then finish with “I command this in Jesus name, amen”.

      Now when you cast out the negative energies and tell them never to return, they still will, so you must always clear your space like that, I also do this when I meditate or when I go to bed. It also wouldn’t hurt if people, not just you, would start stating that they are Free and Sovereign Being(s) and have free will and freedom of choice and that you exercise those rights at all times.

      I also call in my brother of light Archangel Michael (if you are opposed to this, I can truthfully tell you that anything you hear about the Archangel’s is ridiculous, they are real and they are here to help, as they too are Star Family. I always ask Michael to surround me with his white light shield of protection and love, and I also get him to surround my home and yard (everything that you want protected) and to keep me (you) protected as well and it has always worked for me, and then I thank him for doing so. Or you could always call upon Jesus and ask the same of him, whatever you prefer.

      Once you have cleared your space then you can have a conversation with the (Good) Star Family, they do want to hear from you. I sure hope you get this message and I hope it helps others too. Lily, thank you for giving me this opportunity to finally say something as cobra’s site doesn’t allow just anyone to respond and I also thank Dr. Joe for allowing me to get this out.

      PS. Dr. Joe you have permission to give Lily my email if she requires more info. Thank you.

      Peace, Love and Light

      Liked by 1 person

      • Who are you RLG? May I ask how to contact you? I just read your answer regarding how you clear your space of negativity, and speak aloud to light beings…I can hardly believe it but everything you said, I believe and do myself, instinctively, right down to never using the negative in my speech! I call to Archeangel Michael, and call to Pleiadians and all livht beings for contact and assistance almost daily. I would love to communicate with you! Is this a secure place to leave my email address?

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you so much for everything. That was pleasure to meeting you and had the great expiration with Tachion healing.


  8. Hi Dr Joe, Do you sell this chamber for home use or a small clinic. If so what would be the cost Thank you Kathie


  9. Dr. Joe, Would it be possible for the chamber to be installed in a small trailer to make the chamber portable so it could be transported to the sick?


    • Hi Marlys!

      It sounds possible, but the question is whether the geometric integrity of the chamber would be preserved. The exact relationship between the components have to be maintained for proper function.

      Contact cobraresistance@gmail.com for a full answer. I hope this is helpful in your seeking.

      Dr. Joe


  10. I was wondering how a Tachyon treatment would benefit knee degeneration. I have osteoarthritis in both knees and planning TKR in the near future. Could a Tachyon treatment be so effective that surgery would not be necessary? I am based in UK and wondered if there were any Tachyon facilities here? Thank you.


    • Hi, Noeline.

      From my experience it seems to help painful conditions. One client had a THR scheduled and had a remarkable improvement in pain. The only way to know is to try it and see!

      As far as I know there is only one publically-available chamber and that is here in Waynesboro, USA.

      Dr. Joe

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I truly appreciate this post. I have been looking all over for this! Thank goodness I found it on Bing. You’ve made my day! Thanks again! ddkakdbdbeec


  12. Hello….this is a sensitive question….I have many disabling conditions including uncontrollable temporal lobe epilepsy and facing brain surgery….I am 47 with only ssi of 753 a month….obviously with my income I could not make this need a reality and am wondering if there are any who help sponsor perhaps?

    There is so much I desire to do to help our planet, yet my conditions are prohibiting my full participation …

    I do not mean to put anyone on spot or act more deserving than anyone else; one does not know until they ask…..


    Sherri Lynn Herrmann
    Salem, Oregon


  13. Hi Dr. Joe,
    I wanted to share with you my experiences after the 5 sessions in the beginning of this week. I feel that the energy is still actively working. I don’t know how to describe it but it has to do with my emotional and stress balance. I felt a big relieve during the sessions. At night I slept deeply. I find myself recharged at all levels. With a fresh view on the future , a feeling of everything is possible and a creative force for change.
    On the physical part I have a lot of energy and drove for 7 hours without stopping to get back home, without any feeling of tiredness.
    My twitching nerve is still acting up, but I can feel that the energy has not settled yet and I still expect improvement there.
    During the sessions I felt lifted out of my body and renewed in a very peaceful way.
    Physical aches and pains on scars from former surgeries were active and then faded away as the days went by.
    The Tachyon Counseling experience you offer is a real blessing for anyone who is willing to give it a try.
    I am Grateful for the experience.
    Blessings, Nicole


  14. Hi,
    Dr. Joe,

    I want to let people know about my experience with the chamber. I did 6 sessions and have felt much more energy. This is important for me as I have a physically demanding profession. I wake up in the morning ready to go. I split the sessions between two weekends doing three sessions each weekend. The energy increase happened after the first three sessions. I brought my dog along whom has allergies that flared up after a rabies vaccine. I believe the chamber has an effect on the immune system as her red, inflamed skin is back to normal. I love getting “tachyonized”. I highly recommend it to anyone. An added bonus is getting to spend time with Dr. Joe who is a delight! My life is much easier now.



  15. Dr. Joe , I’m wondering if this treatment would help with my Gastroparesis ?? I’m in Virginia and travel is not a problem for me .
    Thanks Very Much !!


    • Dear Elizabeth (Ailish),

      Since tachyons are not FDA-approved to treat any condition I cannot make any claim. Many people have given testimony as you can read on this site as to feeling better. There is only one way to find out and that is to try it and see for yourself!

      Dr. Joe


  16. Dont know if my post went through. Trying again .

    Have you treated / councelled anyone with HIV ?
    Any success with tennetis? How about healing something like a hernia pre- surgery; eliminating need for surgery.
    How does this system handle former smokers?
    Thank you for taking the time to reply



    • You succeeded, Barry!

      I have not had experience, since acquiring the chamber, with HIV or tinnitus. However, conditions of an immune and neurological nature seem to respond well. I cannot in any way make claims as to treatment or cure due to government restrictions, but studies are on-going at the University of Vienna.

      One client received enormous help with pain-relief prior to hip surgery but I cannot advise anyone regarding the need for surgery. You must always consult with your own surgeon.

      Smoking causes lung damage. Asthmatics have reported marked improvement in lung function after time in the chamber. Check with your physician if you need verification of possible damage.

      Please review the Testimonials Page and see if you think you might like to experience the chamber yourself.

      Wishing you a very excellent New Year,
      Dr. Joe

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m not a medical doctor but just have a chamber here in Asia. A friend of mine found HIV contracted earlier last year after suffering various infections and panic attacks.
        As I found at the PFC site an electro magnetic device to eliminate virus etc., and is FDA certified, I bought several units and rented one to him. Before using the device, his CD4 which is a immunity value was 200 which is amost on the verge of starting AIDS. After several 4 months, it recovered to 320 without taking any medication which is great. But still, he was not stable enough in his health condition.

        At the time, the chamber just arrived, and I let him use it. After the 1st session of 20 minutes, he was so affected and could not even stand up for a moment. After 5 sessions, 2 months have passed. Amazingly, he says he feels totally healthy and there is no sympton at all. He will still need to see ongoing periodical blood test results to know the real effects of the chamber, but just considering his almost weekly emergency calls up until early last year, no sympton now is just amazing to us.
        As a non-medical professional, I feel that the chamber has a very good immunity recovery power.


      • Thank you for the reply!

        I have also been curious about effectiveness for frontotemporal dimentia or bi-polar level-1 or either type of diabetes.


  17. I need your help please my wife suffers from headache pain, all the time the doctors say they can’t help. I am willing to come to where ever you are to treat her. she can’t sleep at all there are times she hasn’t slept in days cause of headache pain. the doctors say it’s from a motorcycle accident that was years ago surgery is out of the question. so can your machine help her please. that’s all I ask to see her free from headache pain will be a true blessing ..thank you


    • Dear Patrick,

      Firstly, as to travelling: the device is assembled specifically to match the location in which it is, so it cannot be dis-assembled and re-assembled without great effort and technical support. Maybe some day this could be done but it would require a team effort.

      As regards your wife: I cannot make any claims as to efficacy for any condition. From experience, though, clients have reported improvement in painful conditions and immunologic issues especially. The only way to know if she could be helped is to for her to have some time in the chamber.

      Dr. Joe


  18. Any way to put your machine in a truck and travel around that way you could take the help to the people directly. . I think it’s a great adea


  19. Dear Dr. Joe, a cousin of ours has (pre) acute leukemia. I understand that you cannot say “cure” or “treat” but do you know of anyone else who seemed to be helped with this ?
    He was just diagnosed and is going to a natural cancer clinic in Tijuana. Just hoping this might prove to be beneficial to him possibly along with his other treatment. Thank you .


    • Dear Kyla,

      As you appreciate I cannot make any claims. I refer you to the Testimonials page and, if your cousin feels guided to come here as part of an holistic approach, then I would imagine that would be very agreeable to the physicians in Mexico.

      Blessings forever,
      Dr. Joe


  20. Thank you Universe for Dr Joe, his help is of the highest caliber, I feel confident when IAM in the Healing Chamber because he maintains it so well and it’s design was by the best energy prepared for this task. I have had 8 sessions and am going for more because it supplies what my body needs. I have noticed that everything in my body works better since the first treatment and being 62 on the earth-plane I have seen things in my body work that haven’t since my stroke and guys will like that, no more little blue pills. IAM telling people I know about this and some have already scheduled appointments and have had treatments and are happy with results they have. Thank You again Dr. Joe in highest regaurds……….Rick


  21. Hello I am not in America..but can you tell me where my closest Healing Machine would be? as I live in the UK and I would like to ask when will there be any more healing machines available on the planet?


  22. Dr. What is the pyramid constructed of? How soon can I get a session? I can only afford one session a month due to lack of funds, is that possible? I am 100 miles from you.


    • Dear David,

      The chamber has two pyramids. Both have copper as part of their format. I have openings available each day. One monthly session is just fine and, since they are cumulative, you lose nothing.

      Dr. Joe


  23. I had a lovely chat with Blaze and look forward to meeting with them when they get the chamber assembled.
    Many positive developments lately all working to the benefit of humankind.
    Thanks again for your assistance, Dr. Joe.


  24. im sorry i took so long to right back but i don’t know what to say, I am speechless! the sessions were incredible . I am so impressed.Thank you so much – I’m happy, I’m content, I feel free and alive and I know myself much better. Without your help this would never have happened. much love. Luis


  25. Hello good day!
    I am a 33 year old Spanish woman, I have been using the Pleiadian luminary cameras for more than 10 years, I knew what a tachyon is because listening to the audiobooks of being one explains what is and I think I have felt sometimes in my life the Energy of the tachyon, I have several questions. I really am very excited about the tachyon camera, but I have a lot of doubts. Actually, this technology is given to cobra through the Pleiadians, but at the risk of seeming to be inpertinent, I feel at home that this type of technology and information, You should be a free gift to mankind, I understand that maybe the construction of this camera is worth money, but I feel that when it is marketed with health, the well-being and the information given by brothers of light, should be free, in fact I have been wondering , The construction of a kind of chamber that would be two pyramids one up and the other down doing a mercaba all copper with crystal quartz in all bortices creating a camera mercaba of healing, I have not yet done, but when I do I think I should give it to everyone who comes to me free of charge because, according to my inner criteria, the planetary elevation is a duty of all earthly beings. Maybe I’m wrong and I have to ask for something in return, but maybe in that case it’s not money. I’m sorry if I’ve disturbed someone, I respect and I share what they’re doing. I thank you for carrying it out.
    Aida Torrejon.


    • Dear Aida,

      It will be possible to offer everything in service to humanity once The Veil is completely dissolved. Until then we (at least I) need to pay bills with money. Even in the present illusion we can manifest wealth, just as Le Compte de Saint Germain did in the French Royal Court, and have money manifest in the correct space-time co-ordinates! Miracles and magic will eventually seem normal. As The Queen of Hearts said, “I think of at least three impossible things every day before breakfast!”

      Many blessings,
      Dr. Joe


    • I think ultimately the treatments will be free, but for now, I know that the chambers are expensive to buy and require special knowledge to set up.


  26. Hi doctor,
    I am a healer who needs healing. I was wondering if you have an apprentice program or if you know anyone in the USA who does? This kind of work is what I have been looking for 2 decades.

    Much love,


    • Hi, Dijana,

      I am unaware of any apprenticeship in tachyon technology. For your personal experience going to a chamber or buying items from http://www.tachyonis.org is worthy of exploration. Adding this technology to your practice of healing is a good place to start and build from there. Over time you will develop rapport and skill with it.

      I hope this is helpful on your journey.

      Dr. Joe


  27. I’m impressed, I have to admit. Truly rarely should i encounter a blog that’s both educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you’ve hit the nail within the head. Your notion is outstanding; the pain is an issue that insufficient everyone is speaking intelligently about. I am very happy that we stumbled across this inside my try to find some thing relating to this.


    • Greetings, Rhino!

      The chamber uses crystals that have worm-holes created inside them that act as conduits for the tachyons from outer space. A combination of sacred geometry and noble metals concentrate the tachyons in an healing modality for biologic tissue. Cherenkov Radiation plays no part in this process, as far as I know. See http://www.tachyonis.org for more details.

      Blessings on your journey,
      D. Joe


  28. My aunt introduced me to this information and I am intrigued. I am in North Carolina so you aren’t far from me. I have back issues which causes severe back pain and weakness, as well as, numbness and burning in my leg and knee. After 2 surgeries I have had no relief at all. I’m looking at possible reconstructive surgery on my lower spine next, which I am apprehensive about. I am considering trying this treatment. For planning purposes, ow many sessions do you think I would need and do you accept any type of health insurance?


  29. In the meantime, The Pleiadean Medical Team suggest that, when in pain, to repeat mentally, “Command PB Stardust”, three times (as often as needed) and this may help to diminish the pain, though without healing the actual condition.


  30. HI Dr Joe ! I am from QUébec, Canada , and wish to know if the Tachyon healing chamber in South Hadley, Massachusetts is open to the public.
    If not, I wish to have appointments with yours in summer 2018, how do I reach you ? do you have a phone number? THank you !


    • Dear Melodia,

      I have not heard any reports of these chambers. Tachyons are effectively used by star nations in many ways! The chamber I have is “powered” by the specially-altered crystals. It may very well be the same technology that is used in the chambers you mention. The only verification, until further notice, is personal experience.

      Blessings always,
      Dr. Joe


  31. I just can’t find any reviews of these products anywhere. I’m hesitant to use them. If more people could share their experiences with these products that would be nice. It could give more solid ground for skeptics like myself to diminish any doubt.
    I did order some products but just wanted some reassurance so that I can feel like I got my money’s worth. Some of that stuff is expensive.
    Thank you.


    • Yes, Michelle, it is another way to get tachyons into the body. Water itself is a liquid crystal and is the basis of life in our dimension.

      Drinking such water would certainly help to maintain the syntropic effects of being tachyonised by the chamber.

      Dr. Joe


  32. Dr. Joe…..the address below is what put me on the path we share. I wanted to pass it on in the hopes it would be of help to someone.
    Your treatments are taking effect just as you said. It has been less than 24 hours since my last treatment and I am definately on the road to recovery- as a hopefull skeptic that is high praise. I wish you a wonderful trip to Egypt and thanks again for your diligent work. I will keep you posted on my progress.




    • Hi, Sylvia!
      I try to post relevant material as often as I think I should. Just posting for posting’s sake doesn’t appeal to me.
      You can schedule by calling (540)221-2794.
      Blessings always,
      Dr. Joe


      • Greetings, Tai!

        The site for finding a chamber is http://www.tachyonis.org

        There are privately-owned chambers also but I have no knowledge of them since the owners may wish to keep them private.

        You could just ask around Honolulu among healers and see if someone knows of one.

        Blessings always,
        Dr. Joe


  33. What is your experience with tachyon chamber helping teens with ADHD/likely anxiety/dyslexia. I know….labels….but I want to help him build self confidence, regain ability to focus, release trauma and anger (this is my son and my husband crossed over four years ago).

    Thank you, Alissa


    • Hi, Alissa.
      I have to be careful about claiming anything. If you read through the testimonials you will see reports that were made.
      Be sure to use inner guidance also as you seek healing for your child/children.
      Blessings forever,
      Dr. Joe


  34. Dear Dr Joe,

    I have been on the journey of health for the past 12 years. I had lead poisoning when I was a kid which caused some brain damage. I have detoxed most of the lead out of my body through Dmsa and EDTA chelation therapy and infrared dry saunas. I am still very highly functioning, but if there’s a possibility this can help repair the neuro synapses in the brain please let me know.

    I know of the holographic regenerating medical beds but as far as I know they are not available to the public yet. As far as I know they can regenerate any organ in the body and reverse aging.

    I was hoping this technology might help some.




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