Day 2 of Ascension Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

(Some people attending reported seeing craft the previous night, just as we invoked!)

While in Phoenix, connect with the vortices using ATVOR, the Pillar of Light technology. (See Cobra’s web-site for explanation). It can be done anywhere.

Ashtar Command and St. Germain are “in charge” of the Liberation now.

Arcturans are bringing new information on the mental plane and we can attune to that.

A Planetary Reset is occuring, mimicking the one that Cobra has been explaining since 2012!

There will soon be a sudden collapse of the financial system. But it needs to be a controlled demolition.

The Dark Forces introduced COVID to buffer the awakening kundalini systems. However, this buffering intersects with an expansive pressure in society. There are three possible outcomes to this scenario: recovery, continued instability, or collapse.

Coronal Mass Ejections stimulate the kundalini, leading to revolutions. Suppression of the kundalini will cause an “explosion”, leading to rapid complete change. See how many revolutions are occuring in this fashion.

Goddess Energy needs to be manifested for the most peaceful outcome. Sisterhood of the Rose Groups are proliferating. (See Cobra’s blog). Monthly new-moon meditations will smooth the process.

The mass media is broadcasting trauma, increasing anxiety, and so creating a more traumatic time-line. Civil war in America is being promoted as an outcome.

The most importanat energy needed at this time is: Peace! The Goddess wants peace.

There are two resets being offered:

The WEF Reset and The Galactic Reset. The first promotes CBDCs/digital currency. “Money” created out of nothing. Cash at least has some signature of Abundance and so is preferable. The WEF seeks system failure. The Light Forces are backed by gold in The Philippines, Asia, and confiscated from the Rothschilds.

When people are poor they are easily controlled. Increased money leads to increased opportunity. Multiple studies show this.

Get ready for abundance!

The USA has a pivotal role in planetary liberation. This is signified at this time by a total eclipse of the sun on April 8 that will parallel the Goddess Line, thus signifying the arrival of the New Atlantis. (Cobra shows the equator from late Atlantis that went from Palmyra in Syria to Teotihuacan in Mexico. The Goddess Line.)

Activate Atlantis! It is planned to bury Galactic Cintamanis along this line, from Boston to Atlanta and beyond. As signs of the time, Jupiter trines Lilith on 11/5/24 and Pluto enters Aquarius on 11/19/24. The horoscope for the USA is very good!

We still use free will. There will be an attempt at civil war and chaos at the election. The Resistance Movement supports Trump. The Cabal could kill him but this is unlikely.

Invoke fairness and justice. Whistle-blowers will need protection. Trump is a grey hat, Biden is a black hat.

Please check on Cobra’s web-site for meditations by Hoshino (in Japan) as we progress.

California and Arizona

California was supposed to trigger the Age of Aquarius. There are three main vortices: Los Angeles (El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles, after Mother Mary). After World War 2, Ashtar anchored in Santa Monica.

San Francisco, after St. Francis, a previous incarnation of Kuthumi.

And Mount Shasta which is still active.

In 1995, we were close to a breakthrough when The Archon Invasion occurred at the LA Vortex.

A decision was made to trigger the Age of Aquarius NOW, in Phoenix, Tucson, and Sedona in Arizona.

Another attempt was made in California in 2019 by the Dragon Families but it was cancelled after Satanic interference by Michael Aquino (who is now deceased). Another re-activation will be made.

Special Military Operation

Aldeberans are based on the far side of the moon to avoid prying Earth eyes. The moon is mostly cleared of negatives. Their fleet is in low-earth orbit. Also underground and undersea.

Dracos incarnated as human but the positive Andromedans know about the Black Nobility and the negative Andromedans, and so will deal with them. Lucifer has surrendered and been taken to the galactic center for dissolution.

So, below and on the surface of the planet will be the last battle.

Principles of Manifestation

Everything in the Cosmos has a toroidal shape.

From our perspective, there is an anti-clockwise descending contracting rotation from Spirit and, at the null point, there is a switch of polarities. (See an image of this on Cobra’s blog.) Then it expands clockwise into matter.

First, make a decision. Clarity without confusion. The mental plane

Second, invocation with emotion and desire to support your decision. The emotional plane

Third, physical action.

It takes time to manifest, depending on the complexity. But never give up! The Light is ten times stronger than the Dark.

(We then performed an abundance ceremony, invoking St. Germain and using our personal gold and silver.)

De-manifestation is the same. Decide to stop. Even a physical illness.

An important act is the Revocation Decree, which cancels any contract with the Dark Forces. This drecree is available on Cobra’s site.

Anomaly can block the process. If so, drop it and start a new possible outcome.

If it is a complicated and multi-step process, focus on a small element. Once that is resolved, start on another element.

(Cobra led us in a meditation of call-and-respeonse between our soul-star chakras and our heart chakras, chanting OHM.)

The Galactic Wave of Love

A galactic wave of divine light is approaching us. It will arrive when enough anomaly is removed. Our planet is the focal point of this wave. Pleideans once were active in AZ. All of the three sites here need to be activated.

And connection with higher self/soul is needed for planetary liberation to occur. (We did a meditation then connecting our soul-star chakras with our heart chakras. The call and re-calling was wonderful!)

ATVOR Technology

This is a Pillar of Light, but more advanced, sent from ships to the surface.

But there are more distortions here than usual. Mjolnir technology increases the intensity.

Causes teleportation and healing. Also evacuation.

A low-earth orbit ship sends that pillar to each one. Many beings around us, however, are not so attuned and there are failures. Thus it works better away from humans, e.g., alone in nature. Also it is imperative to be doing one’s own shadow-work.

It can activate one’s light body, leading to ascension through superconductivity. Ascension is the expansion of consciouness, plus ATVOR.

Ashtar Command is liberating the solar system since 1953. He is coordinating with all races and increasing in intensity.

Those in pillars of light can stay in Cities of Light. A planet in the Pleiades is prepared for those who are aligned. A planet in the Aldeberan System is being prepared for those not aligned. Some can return after The Pole Shift.

Two types of Pillars of Light can be invoked: pure white and sky-blue. The same energy can be used as a bubble to surround and shield and protect from all negative energy. (And so it is!)

At this time dark anomaly is gathered close to the surface of Earth. Thus, the Dark Ones can only work there.

Goddess Energy

Balance of energy is absent here.Therefore, the time is now for the divine feminine to return. Love and compassion. Beauty and harmony.

Tha Archons invaded in three waves in order to destroy the feminine, the last one being in 1996.

2012 resulted in a return! Soft power, like water will liberate the planet.

The understnding of beauty is lost. Art, music, dance, and adornment is needed. These come from the heart. The archetype is eternal, coming from the soul.

Sisterhood of the Rose is the channel for this. There is no jealousy.

Activation of goddess temples is on-going. In India it never left!

The dark forces brought many layers of mental programming over the feminine. Kundalini/sex activation is crucial. Isis Astara is working behind the scenes.


After 26,000 years the Light returns. A time to re-unite with star- and soul-families.

(There was then a very beautiful and moving ceremony by sisters of the rose, who blessed the attendees with tachyon-infused rosewater, scattered by roses by the beautiful ladies.)

Then we ended by dancing to “Tonight in Babylon”. Fun for all!

Victory of the Light!

6 thoughts on “Day 2 of Ascension Conference in Phoenix, AZ.

  1. Greetings Dr Joe,

    Thank you for sending this second day notes! Much of this is over my head but yet somehow it resonates with me! I follow Pam Gregory astrologer, Heather Einsworth, Sasha Stone (Lazarus initiative), Lee Carrol who channels “Kryon”, among others. Everyone is on the same page that we are in the middle of the “changing of the guards”! So exciting but daunting as well! I like what you said in your response to my previous email, ” we are family, we have all signed up to be here at this time to help with the Liberation” I find comfort in this!

    I hope to come there soon.

    Best of all goodness, Teresa


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