

Joseph McNamara was born and raised in Ireland.

After graduating medical school, he moved to the United States, drawn there by what he felt was the most open-minded and exciting culture in the world.

In the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, he practiced medicine for over 20 years as a physician. He started in Emergency Care, shifted to Family Medicine, and then felt called to open his own practice. He named it Cara an Anam, which is Gaelic for “Friend of the Soul.”

In 2012, he began working with the Earth-Keeper organization, which aligned with his spiritual interests.  As part of the leadership of Earth-Keeper tours he shared his knowledge of ancient Celtic lore.

This organization invited him to travel, which set him on the path of giving presentations to forward-thinking organizations around the country.

He is recently published a book that explains his innovative theory on Ireland as a colony of Atlantis.

His real gift is the spoken word; during his frequent talks at new age conferences and beyond, audience members often report wonderful feeling and deep realization.

Click on the videos below to explore some of his cutting-edge ideas. The presentations combine rigorous science with spiritual belief and healing– a winning combination that will take us forward into the Golden Age.

Earth Keepers Conference 2015 in Denver, CO.

Earth Keepers Conference 2014 in Scottsdale, AZ.

If you’d like to learn more about Tachyons and how the Tachyon Chamber might help you? Click here.

43 thoughts on “About

    • Hi Vicki,

      The sessions are twenty minutes in length and cost $3 per minute. Three to five sessions, one session daily, are recommended. Longer sessions can be arranged. Since the chamber is not FDA-approved to heal any condition I cannot claim any curative effects.

      Dr. Joe

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Thank you Dr. Joseph McNamara for making available this wonderful Tachyon Chamber. Thank you Cobra and other Earth based beings involved in its channeling/construction from our ever-giving Pleiadian brothers and sisters.
    During each healing session, I felt the energy going to each of the weak spots in my body. The sessions do have a lasting effect and with their help I have renewed faith in my body and spirit’s ability to return to closer alignment with our Loving Source.


    • Dear Christopher,

      There are no studies completed that I know of but I am contributing to a doctor in Austria who is doing formal research at an university. This is cutting-edge technology yet research needs to be done to validate it in the eyes of the general public. It would be wonderful to have a clinic that offered tachyons, hyperbaric oxygen, and the full gamut of laser/sound modalities!

      All in good time, as they say.

      Dr. Joe


  2. Hi Dr. Joe! Remember (?) we were standing in line to board the plane leaving Little Rock for Charlotte after the EK conference ( no coincidence of course!)? I told you I was told by MAX that when I do cranial work on clients I can activate their pineal..it was more like ‘the crystals in their brains’..you suggested your website…your machine sounds fabulous! My friend in Ashville whom I visited that week is looking at kidney replacement,(his wife to donate hers)..do you have results from this w. your machine? So, two questions here! How I may do what Max suggested…and your experience with your machine at kidney regeneration. Or help post surgery for both of them. THANK YOU for responding! I will forward your site to my friends, who are Native Americans, Paul and Inez Ghosthorse. All Blessings to you and yours in this season! Love Premka


    • Dear Premka,

      I thought I had responded to your comment but it appears that I did not and so I apologize.

      The chamber is designed to help people heal. I cannot make any claims as to efficacy but clients have posted testimonials as to their improvement. To improve clients’ experience I have added chakra enhancements and a merkaba activator.

      Tachyons have paradoxical effects on physical matter and so regeneration is technically possible. Studies are being conducted at the University of Vienna currently.

      I hope this helps you and your friends.

      Dr. Joe


  3. Hello Dr. Joe; I live in Canada and was wondering how can I arrange for a Chamber appointment in the near future? I look forward to your response.

    Kind regards,



    • Dear Estellita,

      You can make appointments by calling the number as shown on this site, (540)221-2794. I have had visitors from British Columbia so travelling does not be an issue for Canadians!

      Blessings, as always,
      Dr. Joe


    • Hi, James,

      Since I am not a researcher I do not publish any data. I do collect data which can be made available to researchers and, as more chambers are established, definitive research will be apparent. There is one project on-going in Austria so maybe in the coming years this will be published.

      Dr. Joe


  4. Hi Dr. Namara,

    My mother in law has COPD she is also over weight. She is on Oxygen and is out of breath just to get out of the chair and walk a few steps. She lives in Maryland and if she is to come to you. This would be very challenging because it’s several hours of an ordeal to
    get herself together. She doesn’t even like to go the the local doctors because of getting out of breath so quickly and so often. Can you advise if this is something she should do. There is nothing else she can do per her from her doctors.

    Thank you,


    • Dear Raquel,

      “Where there is a will there is a way” is apt in this situation. Obviously she needs assistance to get in and out of the chamber; and she can continue to use her oxygen while inside. Using pillows strategically is okay also. Once again the chamber is not FDA-approved for anything. Trusting inner guidance is essential, as always.

      Dr. Joe


  5. Hi there Doctor, I just want to find out how to get in touch with you for one of those healing sessions. I have had pain in my body for more than two years. Please Is it possible for a break through? I know there is and I am begging for help. Please tell me what to do where to go.


    • Dear Inez,

      Please call the office at (540)221-2794 and you can make appointments for sessions. Also I suggest you read the testimonials by people who have been here already.

      Dr. Joe


  6. I am wondering if it is safe to use for someone who has had out of body experiences that led to involuntary movements (permanently), and energy moving through the body constantly (in a negative way, constantly exhausted, and impeding the normal function of an everyday life). I have had this for many years and had to go on an anti-psychotic drug to get rid of the movements. These movements happened when I was doing a powerful meditation (Transcendental/Vedic meditation) that led me to go out of body. I am hoping that the Tachyon healings are different, and will be truly beneficial for me, though I read somewhere that they did go out of body while using the chamber. What do you think?


    • Dear Melodia,

      Of course I cannot make any claim that the chamber can help with your debilitating condition but there is good reason to believe that it can. Firstly, tachyons are beyond (but interact with) space and time, and thus have the potential to be syntropic. Secondly, the Pleiadeans have developed this technology as a way to influence the four lower bodies: physical, etheric, astral, and mental, in a rejuvenating fashion.

      The only way to see if the technology works is to try it. Experience trumps all.

      Blessings of the day,
      Dr. Joe


  7. Hi Dr. Joe,
    Debbi from Fl here. We sat together on EK Peru trip….1 leg of many.
    My god, my brain must be fried….although I heard you in AK in 2015, I did not connect you You with Tachyon on Peru trip.
    What a missed opportunity!
    Just saying Hi.
    I’ll call office for appt. Road trip!


  8. Hi Dr. McNamara

    How are you Doctor? We are so blessed to have you in this planet sharing information and healing techniques with all humanity. I live in NY…. I have an unusual problem of halitosis, I believe it’s a bacterial infection. I have had this problem for as long as I can remember.
    Would the chamber heal it and can I come for one week and do 2 sessions a day?
    If so when is a good time to come?


    • Bless you, Dijana.
      I cannot claim any positive benefits from the chamber but the testimonials speak for themselves.
      The only way to be sure is to come and do as you suggest. Yes, you can have two sessions daily if you need to do so. There is a flight from LaGuardia to Charlottesville, or you can take a train to there or Staunton (which is closer).
      Any time is a good time. I work weekends also.
      Joy on your journey,
      Dr. Joe


  9. I am interested in using the tachyon healing chamber. I live in Ohio. Is Virginia the closes one? Where is the one in Virginia located and can I have a telephone number and email address so I can schedule an appointment. I heard about the chamber on Galactic Heart (Sheldan Nidle). I understand that Joseph McNamara is to be PAO’s guest this Sunday, June 16, 2019. I plan on listening. I have been in a lot of pain for quite awhile and would love to be free of it. Any and all details would be appreciated. Thank you.


    • Good morning, Georgette!

      Yes, the nearest chamber to you is in Waynesboro, Virginia. Sheldan will be interviewing me on Sunday, June 23, not 16.

      All of the details you need are on this site but I would be happy to answer any query you have. The telephone number is (540)221-2794.

      Dr. Joe


  10. Hello Sir,
    I live in New York and have no way of getting to Virginia. Do you have any options for me. I’m in a lot of pain all the time and am willing to try anything at this point. Thank you and God bless


    • Dear Elizabeth,

      The Pleiadeans have a program to help with pain. Sending by thought the phrase, “Command PB stardust”, as a mantra has been experienced as helpful. Keep the faith and maybe you will get to Virginia after all!


  11. I have been learning about this, the plaideans, tesla and so many other things. I can’t wait to get an appointment with you. I have neuropathy from a bad disk in my back putting pressure on a nerve. I got a nerve stimular in February 2020 but still don’t have much relief. I will be calling your office soon


  12. Hey Dr. Joe…. I just wrote to your company about purchasing this unit…. but hadn’t read that YOU are from Ireland,which is where I live now! (An American in Ireland)… nice coincidence for me anyway…Nancy Brady, RN, County Cork


      • Thank you Dr. Joe! Do you ever get to Ireland? If so, would you please let me know… I desperately need help from a serious fall 5 years ago, but I must wait until all of this ‘mask’ and ‘shot’ stuff is over… (not a believer!)…. will try to purchase a unit… is there a difference between the unit and this other thing that’s mentioned Theragem Crystal Light therapy)? Are these two separate things to purchase? Thanks for any input… greatly appreciated… a sunny day in County Cork today!!!


    • Awwww, well, I can be your family in Ireland yes?? Anyway, how I would love to come to you in Virginia, but due to my fall, I can barely even stand… thanks for responding! I ‘think’ there are two different modalities if I’m understanding this correctly… I won’t bother you anymore, but is it a good idea to do BOTH?


  13. Greetings Dr. Joseph McNamara, I would very much like to start a healing center on Michigan. Hopefully you can share some information about how one might do this. If u could please respond ASAP as many need these treatments, with the “shots” being administered irresponsibly to so many, our disabled veterans & our elderly are in dire need of saving. I have many “irons in the fire” so to speak & am considering a foundation for such a development. This is truly groundbreaking technology & i’ve been looking into it for over a year now, a few weeks ago the thought occured to me that I should step up & make this happen for my local area. I have a small team that would be interested in making this happen. Peace & Blessings


  14. Do you offer sessions for pets? I have a dog who is suffering with arthritis in all limbs. I feel so bad for him and want to try anything that may help. Thanks for your time


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